A new beginning in your faith journey.
Angeles Crest Christian Camp
August 19-21, 2022
If you are registering as a Server for the Encounter, sign up here.
The 8’s Encounter Weekend
This weekend might be classified as a retreat by many and we hope that you do feel like you have gotten away, but the truth is that this weekend is about much more than just getting away.
The 8's Men's Encounter is an intentional pursuit to encounter God and to launch a new beginning in your faith journey. We use the number 8 because it signifies "new beginnings". If you are looking to grow your faith, restart your faith, or just want to get some faith, the 8's Men's Encounter is just the weekend for you. You will hear teachings and testimonies from men who have been transformed by the power of God. Come with an open heart up to the mountain and encounter the God of new beginnings.
Pre-Encounter Meeting
Please be sure to attend our Pre-Encounter meeting on Wednesday, July 27th @ 7PM or Wednesday, August 10th @7PM.
We will help you prepare your heart for the journey ahead. This will also be a good place for you to ask questions that haven't yet been answered about this weekend.
All men are strongly encouraged to make it to this meeting. Please contact Pastor Oscar at (310) 670- 4747 ext. 301 if you are unable to attend this meeting, or email him at oscar@univcc.org.
Be excited & ready
Things you will need at your Encounter:
Sleeping bag
Toiletries - soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc…
Departure: Check-in for departure begins on Friday, August 19th @ 2pm at UCC. Bus will leave promptly at 3pm.
Return: We will arrive back at University Christian Church on Sunday, August 21st approximately @ 1PM.
Register here for the Encounter.
Please have your registration fees paid by the day of departure. Space is limited and attendees will be added on a first come basis.
If you paid the deposit, and need to pay the remainder of your registration fee, you can do so here.
What others say about the encounter
Oscar Corral - UCC Men's Pastor
My Encounter is where I felt the power of God fall on me. Since that weekend I have never been the same. This powerful experience was the catalyst for pursing Christ with all my heart.
Derek Majors - UCC elder
I had a GREAT time at the Encounter. I had three take aways from that weekend: 1) I am free from my past transgressions; 2) Forgiving myself and others is not easy, but it is liberating. 3) Praying with other men sharpens me and sets an expectation to my brothers that is unbreakable. If you are a male and you want to become GOD’s Man, then say yes to the ENCOUNTER.
Michael Coleman - UCC Deacon chair
Through my Encounter I learned that God has forgiven me of all of my sins and thus I need to forgive others of their sins against me. I learned that God loves me and I too must love others. I learned that God continues to display His grace and mercy towards me, so I must do the same. Most importantly I learned that these things can only happen through the power of God.
Darrell Ephriam- UCC Deacon
My Encounter was the one most spiritual experience I've had with GOD. He touched me on the inside and out through the Gospel and through worshiping with men from all walks of life. Now I see more clearly God’s sacrifice, His life, and that He loves us “No Matter What"! I left the Encounter with a forgiving and loving heart and clearly hearing the Holy Spirit.