Spring Festival- 4/12, 11am-2pm

Join us for a fun morning together as we celebrate Spring and the promise God has given us through the resurrection of His son! This is for everyone so invite your friends, family and community out for games, activities, snacks and an Easter Egg Hunt! We cannot wait to celebrate this season with you!

Register Here!


July 7th to July 11th

Find more info here!


Our Mission:

Providing a space where your child and family belong

our big picture:

Being a space of belonging



Sundays at 10 am

Nursery & Pre-school gather downstairs in rooms 122 & 124. Our Elementary Kids will begin in the sanctuary for worship at 10 am and the be dismissed to their class upstairs in room 203. This space will be held as a time for kids to have fun together and to learn about God through engaging curriculum for Kids!



Email Taylor Bellacetin, our Children’s Ministry Director, to learn more about UCC Kids!