Passion Purpose Prayer Women’s Breakfast- March 29th, 9am

Ladies join us as we hear from engaging speakers on how God works in incredible and amazing ways to bring about His plan and purpose for our life in whatever station we find ourself and how He can move us into His Will for our life.

Share in the fellowship and hear how to look for ways God works in and through you and others, and ordinary everyday circumstances.

Bring a friend or two to our UCC Women's Prayer Breakfast where you will enjoy good food, prayer, fellowship, and encouragement!

Register Here

Campus Beautification- April 6th, after service

Join us on Sunday April 6th to spruce up the UCC Campus as we prepare for the Easter season. We will also be forming a team to pass out Easter flyers to homes in our neighborhood.

Lunch will be provided.

For more information contact Averil Thompson at

Spring Festival- April 12th,


Join us for a fun morning together as we celebrate Spring and the promise God has given us through the resurrection of His son! This is for everyone so invite your friends, family and community out for games, activities, snacks and an Easter Egg Hunt! We cannot wait to celebrate this season with you!

Register Here!

Monthly Corporate Prayer- Sundays- 4/13- 9:00-9:30am

”For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20

At UCC, we all know, believe in, and have experienced the power of prayer. Join us one Sunday a month before service at 9 am to participate in a time of corporate prayer coming before our Heavenly Father for revival in our hearts for Him and His Word, for stronger faith, for fire and passion to reach the lost and for protection and provision of the church

Please mark your calendars for April 13 to join us for prayer.

Save the Dates: Good Friday 4/18, 7pm. Easter Sunday 4/20, 10am.

Easter week is coming soon. We hope your family, friends, and neighbors can join us as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

VBS 2025: July 7-11

Save the Dates of July 7th to 11th for VBS 2025.

Join us this Summer as we learn to LIVE IT OUT and Discover How To Love Like Jesus!

Kids Registration will open Monday April 21st.

If you want to Camp out with us as a VBS Camp Counselor, sign-up here!