Los Angeles Fire Relief Opportunities
Partner with Cornerstone Church WLA & Samaritan's Purse
They are in need of people who can commit to daily shifts answering phones for the next week or two. Then when Samaritan’s Purse is given the green light they will take boots-on-the ground teams into the devastated areas, sifting through ashes to recover items for families. This effort gives an opportunity to minister the love of Christ to hurting families as we hear their story of loss and grief.
Email: scott@cornerstonewla.org (with subject line: UCC volunteer - fire impact relief)
If you are led to make monetary donations we recommend Samaritan’s Purse & The YMCA Relief Fund
Give to Samaritan’s Purse
Give to The YMCA Relief Fund
Pray For:
Comfort, Peace, Protection & Provision.
Also for Churches, Wise Leadership, & God’s Mercy on the Weather
UCC Corporate Prayer Times:
Women’s Ministry Prayer Collective Wednesdays in the Missions Cafe at 7pm